Kagemaru Himeno


[] Psychic Balance. If you have less cards in your hand than your opponent, draw cards until you have the same number of cards as your opponent. (If you have more or the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent, this attack does nothing.) Re-creation. Choose an attack on 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon in his or her discard pile. Re-creation copies that attack except for its Energy cost. (You must still do anything else required for that attack.) Mew performs that attack.

Weakness: Psychic +20

Resistance: none

Retreat Cost: 1


R$ 37.00  R$ 68.50  R$ 100.00
R$ 104,95
draymomFoil HP - Jogada demais1 un.R$ 37,00
VIPTCGFoil NM - Quase nova 1 un.R$ 49,00
PerezCSFoil SP - Pouco jogada1 un.R$ 50,00
MKtoysFoil SP - Pouco jogada1 un.R$ 80,00
TholarianRPGFoil MP - Muito jogada1 un.R$ 95,00
joaohartz NM - Quase nova1 un.R$ 100,00

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